Malawi: Overland Malawi and The Border Crossing from Zambia
Malawi: Overland Malawi and The Border Crossing from Zambia
Border Crossing from Zambia to Malawi:
Our crossing was just south of Chipata.
The Zambian exit was easy, immigration and passports stamped and at the Customs counter the carnet was signed out.
Money changers are everywhere and hassle you.
They say you need heaps for customs but you only need MWK ( Malawi Kwache) for insurance. There is no ATM and only the black market operating.
They also tell you, you cannot change money after Malawi Customs but that is not correct. We got a slightly better rate after entry into Malawi.
NOTE: they all try to short change you - SO BE SURE TO COUNT IT OUT IN FRONT OF THEM, and double check. We were short changed and managed to get the correct amount but I have heard of others who were very ripped off.
We used ATMs at the Gateway shopping centre on the border side of the capital Lilongwe. Here also is Shoprite and Foodlovers both good looking shops with quality food, BUT more expensive than Zambia.
Malawi Vehicle Import and 3rd Party Insurance:
We opted for a single entry Visa at a cost of US$75/person payable only in USD.
There was a lengthy Entry form to complete although the officials really did not check any of it, as I had in error put an incorrect destination !
At the Customs the carnet was singed in without issues and I entered vehicle and driver details in a log book.
There is apparently a road tax but because we had a carnet we did not have to pay...this I do not understand but accepted. Also we have not been asked for road tax documents at any of the police stops
Next 3rd party insurance.
Down the road about 300metres on the right is Prime Insurance.
1 Month was MWK 35,000 (US$45) this was the cheapest and shortest period.
Travel in Malawi:
In Malawi you drive on the left.
Road traffic is minimal but pedestrian and goats do not make for easy driving.
We had one occasion where we had to drive at night and do not wish to again. The pedestrians flood the road, sit on the road, even lay on the road, simply too dangerous.
Like Zambia they indicate on the left when safe to pass and right when not.
In many places the road quality is great, in other pot holes and sharp road edges. Some pot holes are simply dangerous and are deep and sharp that potentially could destroy a tyre AND rim..
Also watch out for the speed bumps coming into villages, most are OK at 30KPH some sharp and require and almost complete stop !
Camping & Park Entry:
Plenty of commercial camping grounds most reasonably to well appointed. Average cost was US$10/person/night for the better ones. At some we paid Kwache 4,000 (US$5) for lesser but still very acceptable.
Only in Lilongwe we found supermarkets like Shoprite or Food Lovers both good quality and big choice. Small towns not so interesting. Peoples is the main small outlet in villages selling mostly canned and dried foods.
Diesel was accross the country the same price at MKW810/Lt ( US$1.05 or A$ 1.47 ) this is 500PPM
Easy to get from most camping areas.
We used Airtel. and paid about US$9 for 2 Gb for a month.
Service was good in and around even small towns but in between nothing.
Malawi is a known Malaria area. We take Doxycycline tablets every day as recommended by our family doctor. Locally they do not believe this is correct and if they feel the symptoms of malaria then they take the drug Artemether +Lumefantrine sold under the name of as Coartem or Airalam Azevedos. We also purchased the latter at a local chemist for US$5/packet as the Doxy is only 90% effective.
Malaria can kill you within 3 take care to cover up at night when this variety of mosquito is active.
Swimming in Lake Malawi
Be careful if swimming in Lake Malawi because of Bilharzia. Some areas are free of this parasite and some not. The locals swim everywhere so do not take this as OK. We did not swim at the shoreline at Cape Maclear but did so with the fish off Cape Maclear. This we did knowing that we will have to get a blood test when we return home. You have 3 months grace!
For our actual Travel Diary through Malawi see: Travel Diary Malawi
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