Australian Travels
Australian Travels
2009 Cape York - Shelburne Bay Exploration:
2009 Cape York - Exploring the Beaches by Quad Bike:
600 kilometres exploring Princess Charlotte Bay, South from Vrilya Point, Somerset and Albany Island, and South from Ussher Point.
Below is Work in Progress
2006 Dragon Tree:
Rudall River National Park, GPS to Percival lakes, Dragon Tree Soak, and out of the Great Sandy Desert at Anna Plains on the Eighty Mile Beach
1997 Cape York:
Eastern Beach Exploration. Escape River, Orford Bay to Capt.Billy Landing, Temple Bay
1996 Double Simpson Desert Crossing:
20 Days by GPS from Poepple Corner via Geosurvey Hill to Arltunga, then following the Tropic of Capricorn back to Queensland
1995 Madigan’s Line:
A 15 Day GPS crossing of the Simpson Desert following T.C.Madigan’s 1939 camel expedition from Old Andado to Birdsville
1992 Cape York:
Exploration of Eastern Beaches. Orford Bay, Temple Bay, Cape Melville
1991 Cape York:
Exploration of Shelburne Bay and Temple Bay