Kym & Lyn’s GoannaTracks Overland Expeditions

350,000 Kms of Overland Travels

2000 - Malaysia/Thailand/VietNam              

2007 - Russia/Mongolia/Europe                   

2008 - Europe/Nth Africa                                 

2010 - S E Asia/Mongolia/Russia 

2010 & 2011 & 2012  - Nth America/Central America

2013 & 2014 - Sth America

2016 & 2017 & 2018 - Africa

2018 - UK/Scotland/Ireland

2019 - Scandinavia / Iceland

2023 - Japan

Australian Adventurers

1991 & 1992 - Cape York

1995 - Madigan’s Line

1996 - Double Simpson Crossing

1997 - Cape York

1998 - Great Sandy Desert

2003  & 2005 - Cape York

2006 - Great Sandy Desert - Dragon Tree

2009 & 2011 & 2015 - Cape York

2017 - Global Xplorer to Geosurvey Hill

2020 - Global Xplorer Simpson Meteorite Craters

2022 - Tasmania